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Podcast Of The Week: The Wealthy Way Podcast: Why He Quit Tesla with Omar Elattar

If life was perfect, what would you do? 🙏

We’re constantly looking for the right path, the right career, and the right life. But what if there was no such thing? 🤷‍♀️ What if the right things are all up to you? 🫵

If you’re like most people, this can be scary. But that’s why we have dreams—to show us the way. It’s not a question of whether you have dreams. You do. It’s a matter of whether or not you’re willing to explore them. 💯

If you want to be inspired by a man who has lived his dreams despite the odds, then this #PodcastOfTheWeek can help you in your quest for a life that centers on your pursuits. 🥰

I first found Omar from his interview with Ryan Pineda, and what he said about entrepreneurs not knowing what they’re doing struck me. Most people would not admit to this. But from what he said, I realized if you don’t begin because you think you will suck, you will never start. The first time you’re doing something, it will suck, but you can get good as you start to do it more over time.

The fact that Omar was into skateboarding felt validating to me. It’s also something I love doing, and most people aren’t aware, but there are really a lot of great lessons from skateboarding we can apply to other areas of our lives. Two things I learned from it were (1) Commitment and (2) Persistence. These two qualities allowed me to persevere as a podcast manager, face fears, and pursue my mission no matter what.

As you know, Omar also has his own show, “The Passionate Few,” where he features YouTubers that I personally binge-watch. The different ways Omar got big names to interview on his podcast blew my mind. Now, you kind of have an idea of what the next POTW is gonna be. 😉

The Wealthy Way Podcast: Why He Quit Tesla with Omar Elattar

My Key Takeaways:

Biggest lessons Omar learned from interviewing the best of the best (20:18):

  • Invest in your team. A-players only.

  • Successful people are in the order business but mega-successful people are in the re-order business.

  • Try things and pivot quickly. Don’t get too emotional about it.

Episode Quotes

“If life was perfect, what would you do?”

“The same things can happen to all of us. How we respond to them is what dictates where we go.” - Omar Elattar

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